The American Legion W.R.I.T.E.S

The American Legion Western Region Information & Technology Exchange Service.

This is a site is devoted to the free and open exchange of ideas and applications of pertinent information and technology to The American Legion.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

ProCam (aka PlaceCam) review

Yesterday I sat in on The American Legion Department of Colorado’s regular Monday night ProCam (formally known as PlaceCam) meeting…
The meeting was hosted at 6:30 Mountain Time, 8:30 Eastern Standard Time.
Meeting was hosted by The American Legion Department of Colorado Commander, Gar Williams, from a remote location (hotel in KY). Participants included Past National Commander Tom Bock, Department Vice Commander Frank McCurdy, Department Adjutant Pat Smith, Robb Smith, Tony DuMosch, James Gates, James Park, Larry Decker…

Including myself, there are 10 users online for video conference… the meeting took off with some glitches, with this many users the video feeds acted funny… Larry wasn’t able to log on since he was located in a hotel with unstable internet connection, and when he is online, his video feed was frozen. Commander Gar also dialed-in from a hotel, but his connection seemed fine and he was able to conduct the meeting for the most part, until his video feed also crashed…
For those of us using a dedicated high speed connection, we had very little problems with the video… in fact, some of our videos were smooth and of solid quality…

Over all, it took us 30 minutes to just get set up for everyone to log on, and hold a steady connection… we eventually had to let Larry call from a cell phone, but he was able to relate his message…

It was refreshing to be able to attending a department meeting from the comfort of my home, however, observing many of the glitches and troubles with log-on, I believe ProCam (aka PlaceCam) still has a long way to go from being a solid product… I encourage you all to use it and give me feedback on how your experiences goes… you can download a copy of this and register for use at

To clarify the difference between the new VetCam and ProCam… VetCam is for every legionnaire to use and for all servicemembers and their families… it only allows (MAX) three users to interact at once… so you are only able to call two others… however, there is no download for VetCam and it has minimum user interface so there are no significant bugs at this moment we have noticed…

With ProCam, it is offered to post, district, and departments as a meeting tool… it is suppose to be able to carry more than 10 users all at once, but we have noticed that anything more than five or seven users, depending on your connection, things slow down quite a bit… also if everyone is not using a headphone, echo is a hug problem…

That’s it for now…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree that ProCam has great potential. I saw a demonstration of the technology at our Fall Conference, and it did take a bit of work to get it working. Connection quality and speed is a limitation. Access to cable, or DSL, is a privilege available to only a small part of the state.
Most of us depend on satellite or broadband wireless for a higher speed connection. Dial-up speeds are terrible in rural areas. I could never achieve a download speed greater than 28.8. I swear that part of the telephone line was barbwire.
Satellite presents an issue in that the standard account usually has download limits, before the speed is throttled down to next to nothing. Of course, meetings during rain or snow storms are out, as you loose the satellite. It works OK on broadband wireless, as long as you can use the extended service.

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