The American Legion W.R.I.T.E.S

The American Legion Western Region Information & Technology Exchange Service.

This is a site is devoted to the free and open exchange of ideas and applications of pertinent information and technology to The American Legion.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

National Grassroots Conference

Good morning to all departments of the Western Region.

First I want to thank you for your dedicated work in membership. We continue to hold a competitive edge over our Southern Region brothers and sisters in terms of membership. We still have a ways to go to be the leader of the pack, but I sincerely believe the West is the Best, and will continue to support you. Please feel free to contact me if you should need anything at all.

I also want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May the new year bring you renewed passion for the world’s greatest and largest Veteran Service Organization.

Allow me to be a bit philosophical for the moment: it was taught to me that no matter of our success, we shall continue to learn and better ourselves in whatever our endeavors maybe. With that said, there is a wonderful upcoming opportunity for all of us to sharpen our skills and rejuvenate our minds.

This year’s National Grassroots Conference will be February 4-7, 2009 - Renaissance Vinoy Resort & Golf Club - St. Petersburg, FL. There are a range of topics you may find interesting. Such as:

- (Re)Building Your Grassroots Program
- How to Write Effective Messages
- Ethics & Transparency in Grassroots
- Finding & Training Your Key Contacts
- Speed Networking
- Web 2.0/Social Media Crash Course
- Grassroots and Diversity
- Effectively Involving Your Senior Management
- Integrating CSR and Grassroots Strategies
- Prioritizing Issues and Managing Demands
- Association Grassroots Management
- Grassroots Communication
- Embracing Social Media

As you can see, there is something for everyone there. I have always heard that volunteer management is difficult, and our most profound challenge is to motivate and utilize our dedicated workers effectively. I believe this conference will give you some ideas and help you with your work at the department level.

To view a complete agenda please go to
You can also visit for registration information. Note: we are not a member of the Public Affairs Council and will have to pay the non-member registration fee if attending.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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Standing Orders:

Constitutions and By-laws. The American Legion is a resolution based grassroots organization. As such, The American Legion National Commander is the only spokesperson of the organization. Although personal comments and voices of dissent are welcome, any posted messages/items, implicitly or explicitly denoting representation of the whole organization not adhering to the resolutions passed by the National Executive Committee will be removed without notification.