The American Legion W.R.I.T.E.S

The American Legion Western Region Information & Technology Exchange Service.

This is a site is devoted to the free and open exchange of ideas and applications of pertinent information and technology to The American Legion.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Major Themes from the NALC Survey

Recently The American Legion conducted a short survey... here are some of the answers...

What do you tell others when they ask you about your membership in The American Legion?

I am a member of “largest and best” organization for U.S. veterans of war time
I describe the many programs and interactions with the community
I am a part of an organizations for veterans, that helps other veterans and builds relationships with veterans

What do you value most about your membership in The American Legion?

Making a difference in the lives of veterans
Building comradeship with other members
Helping the community through Legion programs

What led you to join The American Legion in the first place?

Someone asked me to join
Sought a sense of fellowship and belonging
Family history
Wanted to give back to the veterans and community

Based upon your own experiences, what do members at the local, post level think or say about The American Legion?

They worry about the increasing age of membership, remember the “good old days”
They hold the organization in high regard
They value the contributions they make to the community and the support they provide for one another
They want more interaction and direction from the top

Based upon your own observations, what do others in the local community – non-members – think or say about The American Legion?

·The people who know about the Legion and its programs love it and appreciate all that they do
·The people who don’t know about the Legion believe it is a place for “old guys to drink”
·Many people don’t know the American Legion exists

Thinking of The American Legion’s vision for a strong America:

● Strong National Security
● Taking Care of Veterans
● Mentoring Youth
● Promoting Patriotism and Honor

How would you synthesize these four pillars of service into a single, simple paragraphthat explains the Legion’s reason for being? Assume you were writing this for a family member or friend to explain why you are a member of The American Legion.

·Several members described the American Legion as a family who supports each other and supports the four pillars.
·Several members mentioned the American Legion as a continued commitment and service to their country.
·Many members also listed their actions and activities which help fellow veterans, the youth, the community and the country.

Considering the future, what do you think are The American Legion’s three greatest opportunities for growth and recognition at the national level? At the local, post level?

Note: The major opportunities for national and local were often the same.
·Creating cyber posts
·Increasing advertising and public relations
·Increasing membership and membership involvement
·Reaching out to Vietnam veterans

If you have any additional questions please feel free to ask.

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